Women in Computer Science
Not many women make their marks
in computer science these days, and there are reasons why this is so. When
computer science first became a popular field of study in the 1980's, the world
of computing was actually seen as an equal ground for both men and
and there was a steady increase in the number of women who enrolled for computer
studies. Recently, however, there is a
huge drop
in the number of women who take up computer courses. There are a
number of reasons why this is happening, and why there is a need to bring more
women back to the
world of computing
Why Women Choose Other Careers
One of the main
why women choose other careers instead of a career in computer
science is because computer scientists are required to keep themselves updated
constantly. The world of computing requires a computer scientist to be updated
with the latest developments in the industry. It is not that women are not up to
the challenge, or they are too lazy to continue learning, but the urge to start
a family and to go into motherhood often outweighs the drive to succeed in the
world of computing. Another reason can be the misconception that computer
science revolves around computer programming only. The course actually covers
more than just programming, and it offers a rather broad spectrum of studies
that women can excel in.
Why Women Should Consider Careers in Computer Science
One of the reasons why more women should consider working as a computer
scientist is because
computer science is actually not as difficult as they think. While many
people may think that computer science requires strong mathematical skills,
there are a lot of aspects of computer science that need strong linguistic
skills as well, which is something that women are generally strong in. One such
aspect is the code used for programming. While it is a computer based language,
computer code is still a language, and linguistics is an area that can be
interesting to women. Also,
working with computers
involves things like managing data, and other similar
activities. Men are generally more careless, and they are not as organized as
women. Therefore, women will do exceedingly well in this aspect of computer
science, and they may not have to resort to
data recovery as often as men do.
There have been a number of
who have contributed greatly to the world of computing. Some of them
, Rosa Peter,
Grace Murray
, Alexandra Illmer Forsythe, Margaret R. Fox,
Erna Schneider Hoover,
Alice Burks,
Adele Goldstein, and Joan Margaret Winters. These women have proven that
computer science is not a field that only men can excel in.
There are
organizations that encourage women to choose a career in computer science,
and these are run by women who have become authorities in the field of computer
science. While fewer women are seen pursuing computer studies, there is still a
lot of support from those who
believe that women do have a place in the world of computing.