Security and Encryption Resources

Everyone wants to make sure the data stored on their computer is safe from prying eyes. Unfortunately, with the amount of hacking technology growing larger and more devastating all the time, this can sometimes be a challenge. The resources below will help you find the most effective ways to achieve data security for your home or business office computer. They will also help prevent data loss and need for data recovery service .


PGP: Stands for Pretty Good Privacy. This company offers Enterprise Data Protection that secures your data wherever it travels.

Windows Security : Offers security tests, top of the line software and services.

IT Security : Encryption 101, a very helpful guide on getting started on the basics of applying encryption.

Computer Security Laws and Issues:

CERT : An extensive guide to home computer security. Includes information on why home networks are not as secure, how to install antivirus programs, and the importance of strong passwords.

Security Laws: Lots of fantastic resources pertaining to the legal and ethical issues regarding computer security.

10 Immutable Laws of Security : 10 real security problems that result in user error and can be deadly to your computer.

Laws of Computer Security : From Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov comes a great educational and “slightly skeptical” article on all aspects of computer security.

Today’s Internet Security Laws: A basic informational article on computer invasion and privacy on the Internet.

Computer Crime: This article defines computer crime and the consequences for the victim as well as the perpetrator.

Computer Crime laws by state : A directory of computer crime laws according to state.

Books, Magazines and Other Media Resources:

Computer Security Books: Over one hundred books about computer and Internet security.

Science Daily Books : Browse the bestsellers on computer security, hacking issues and encryption.

Security & Privacy Mag : An updated IT magazine with fantastic articles on computer security risks and defenses.

Computer Security Videos: How-tos and other informative videos on basic computer security programming, tools, encryption and more.

Computer Security Software:

Dekart : A great list of programs specially designed to prevent data leaks from your computer.

Mcafee: A big name in antivirus and computer security software for home or corporate computer networks.

Capterra : A free and interactive directory to find the best security software for your computer and budget needs.

Virus Information:

Trend Micro: Up to date news and security alerts on computer viruses. Also includes a neat phishing encyclopedia and a place to submit new suspicious virus alerts.

Virus Info and Help : ABC’s of computer viruses, how they are contracted, what they can do, and how to detect them.

UHD Virus Information: A guide that explains how a virus works, how many viruses exist and what to do when you have contracted one.

Hopefully, these resources can help you set up the greatest defense system possible on your home or business office PC. Security should be a websites number one objective, so keep that in mind whenever you are shopping online. Use only secure networks, and make sure your passwords cannot easily be cracked. With the right software and resources you can rest assured that your personal information will stay personal.

If you are a victim of data loss please consider Data Recovery Labs computer forensic experts.
For more information about our data recovery and computer forensic service please call us toll free at 866-340-0111.
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