Glossary of Electronic Terms

Electronic terms are used by professionals and those interested in the electronics world. These terms range from common words to longer words that the general public typically don’t use on a regular basis. Some resources with a full listing of terms include:

Electronics Glossary: with acronyms and popular terms defined.
Computer, Telephone & Electronics Industry Glossary: defines terms in an alphabetical order.
Glossary of Electronic Terms: lists the definitions of different technical terms.
Glossary of Terms: covers a wide range of electronic terms and definitions.
Electronic Definitions: lists a variety of terms and definitions relating to electronics.

Some of the terms relating to electronics include:

Algorithm - a computer code that tells the computer what to do.

AC/Alternating Current - polarity current moving from positive to negative.

Amp - unit of measurement used for air flow.

Amplification - process that makes electronic signals louder.

Amplifier - product used to increase a signal by using a lower signal.

Amplitude - the strength of an electronic signal.

Bandwidth - a measurement of frequencies.

Battery - cells that connect to provide voltage.

Binary - a series of 1 and 0 numbers that cause a computer to function.

Bit - a 1 or 0 used in binary code.

Bus - a path used between two different machines that allows them to work together.

Byte - eight bits of binary code.

Cable - typ of wire that serves to transmit data.

Cell - portion of a battery.

Coaxial cable - type of cable where the inner portion is protected against electromagnetic radiation.

Color code - system used to identify different types of capacitors and resistors in one wire.

Cutoff frequency - frequency where an item stops working due to overload.

Data recovery - system of recovering lost data from a computer.

Data recovery service - service provided by a company to find missing or deleted data.

Decibel - unit of measurement relating to loudness; listed as dB.

Direct current/DC - consistent current that moves in one direction.

Distortion - an interruption of a signal that causes the sound to fluctuate.

Electronic - any product that uses a power source and types of electronic components to function.

Earth - a source that grounds the rest of the electronics.

Electromagnetic interference - a signal that breaks up the current.

Farad - a unit of measurement used with capacitance.

Filter - a circuit that depends on a frequency to function.

Filtering - a system that eliminates or increases a certain frequency.

Frequency - a cycle that runs from positive to negative and then to positive.

Hard drive data recovery - a process that searches for damaged and missing files on the hard drive.

Hard drive recovery - a process that recovers all files from a damaged hard drive.

Hertz - used to measure frequency.

Insulator - material used to protect the transfer of data.

Intermodulation distortion - process that mixes two types of frequencies.

Octave - process that increases or decreases the frequency of sound in music.

Passive - electronic that doesn’t have a power source.

Power amp - amplifies a low frequency sound.

Quiescent - an electronic that’s inactive or resting.

Resistor - device that stops the transformation flow.

RMS - acronym meaning Root Mean Squared.

Thermal resistance - the ability of different materials to resist heat.

Velocity - speed at which information or data moves.

Volt - unit measuring electromotive force.

Watt - unit measuring power.

Wavelength - measures the length of an AC cycle.

These electronic terms help those interested understand the way electronics work. While this article cannot begin to cover every electronic term in existence, the resources provided offer even more definitions and terms.